FY2024 Q3 Presentation Q&A
Date | January 30, 2025 |
Presenter | Takashi Eto, President &CEO |
Key Q&A
Common subjects
What are the extraordinary losses for the current year due to additional Structural Reforms?
In Q4 we project an extraordinary loss of 3.5 billion yen due to structural reforms, which we expect to include retirement benefits, site consolidation and the impairment of development costs, mainly in the Positioning Business.
Are there any differences of opinion with major shareholders on structural reforms and other initiatives?
Dialogue with investors is not limited to major shareholders, and is an ongoing process. While we do not disclose the content of specific discussions, we have received informative proposals related to structural reforms and profitability improvement.
What are your comments about press reports (about going private)?
At this point no decisions have been made and we have nothing to add beyond the official statement we made (*).
*Timely disclosure made on December 10, 2024
Notice regarding Certain Media Reports
Positioning Business
At this point what is the outlook for the next fiscal year?
We expect that IT Construction will continue to be sluggish in light of the outlook for construction machinery manufacturers, and we project that the tough conditions in IT Agriculture will also continue. In the surveying and construction sector we expect to see some positive effects from the launch of new products, but the overall sector is forecast to remain challenging. In terms of business performance for the Positioning Business overall in the next fiscal year, we anticipate outcomes on par with the current fiscal year.
What are the factors influencing fluctuations in IT Construction OEM* performance in North America?
There were cases where the timings of releases were altered due to the reprioritization of customer development plans and market conditions, and cases impacted by slowing demand. We recognize those as the factors that played a part in the slowdown this time.
*OEM: Sold to construction machinery manufacturers and agricultural machinery manufacturers
Eye Care Business
Do you recognize that you face a high bar for achieving your targets this fiscal year?
Through structural reforms such as building a direct sales structure in North America, we expect to enhance our customer base and secure major contracts. In Q3 some projects slipped into Q4, but in Q4 we feel a positive response in terms of the certainty of orders.
Cautionary Note regarding Forward-Looking Statements
These materials contain forward-looking statements, including assumptions and projections based on the information available at the time these statements are made. However, please be aware that actual performance may differ from projected figures owing to unexpected changes in the economic environment in which we operate, as well as to market fluctuations.